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Shira Framework

Cycle 5 Flowchart

As with most engineering approaches, SHIRA advocates comprehensive pre-project assessment, planning and design phases followed by construction, post-project assessment, monitoring and hopefully adaptive management. During each of seven phases, four primary modes (data collection, conceptualization, scientific experimentation, and modeling) are used iteratively to collect and analyze data on which flexible and informed decisions can be based. SHIRA places extra emphasis on a design development stage, which is largely underdeveloped in SHR and river rehabilitation more generally. The schematic below shows the entire SHIRA framework:

Phase 1: Preliminary Planning

Phase 1: Preliminary Planning

Set goals, select sites, evaluate constraints

Literature Review

Determine what previous studies have already learned about the river and related scientific concepts.

Historical Analysis

Compile maps, aerial photos, existing data, and other resources to evaluate the existing conceptual model underlying the planned project.

Scientific Questions

Develop scientific questions that can be answered by treating project as an experiment.

Site Selection

Assess site suitability for the planned project in light of the conceptual model.

Project Goals

Clearly specify project goals. Evaluate suitability of goals. Confirm that tools can achieve goals.

Project Constraints

Determine resources available for job. Check site access and project timing. Assess potential negative impacts. Know the regulatory process.

Assess overall project feasibility, appropriateness of project goals, and potential for science-based testing.

Phase 2: Pre Project Characterization

Phase 2: Pre Project Characterization

Document baseline conditions at relevant spatial scales


Develop a preliminary conceptual model of the existing conditions and processes at the site.

Data Collection

Quantify baseline monitoring variables. Constrain model parameters.

Data Analysis

Perform geomorphic, hydrologic, ecologic, and other data analyses to interpret and extrapolate data.

2D Modeling

Develop and run simulations capable of resolving processes at the same 0.1-1 m scale that fish and sediment experience the flow at the site.

Collect, analyze, and review all data to yield the best conceptual model, project goals, and lessons for design alternatives and construction.

Phase 3: Design Development

Phase 3: Design Development

Create Alternatives & Test Design Hypotheses

A. Identify Design Constraints and Opportunities

Draw on conclusions from SHIRA phases 1 and 2.

B. Develop Preliminary Alternatives

Conceptualization, Landform Sketches, Process Design Hypotheses, and DTM Creation.

C. Test Design Hypotheses

Use modeling mode and data analyses to evaluate the likely outcome of each preliminary alternative.

D. Design Refinement

Improve best preliminary alternative(s) based on test results. Add heterogeneity elements, such as large wood and boulders.

Phase 4: Final Design Selection

Phase 4: Final Design Selection

Compare alternatives & choose one for construction

A. Cross-Compare Designs

Metrics of non-habitat area converted to habitat, existing-habitat area improvements, gravel efficiency (habitat/m3), success of testable design hypotheses, scour depth and area, habitat heterogeneity, and beneficial qualitative features.

B. Share The Vision
  1. Explain SHIRA Project.
  2. Present alternatives to experts/ stakeholders/ public.
C. Final Selection

Use combination of objective analysis, expert judgement, and societal values to select final design.

D. Final Design Refinement
  1. Final adjustments to selected design.
  2. Grading plan and construction docs.
  3. Regulatory procedures.

There is no one "true" or correct answer to design for an open environment

Phase 5: Construction

Phase 5: Construction

Implement final design

A. Designer-Contractor Interaction

Communicate key goals and design elements to construction contractor.

B. Observe/Aid Construction

Help with staking project. Be on site to address unexpected problems, help craft feature details, and spot check progress.

Phase 6: Post Project Assessment

Phase 6: Post Project Assessment

Document as-built conditions and construction accuracy

Data Collection

Quantify baseline monitoring variables.
Constrain model parameters.

Data Analysis

Perform geomorphic, hydrologic, ecologic, and other data analyses to interpret and extrapolate data.

2D Modeling

Develop and run simulations capable of resolving processes at the same 0.1-1 m scale that fish and sediment experience the flow at the site.

Collect, analyze, and review all as-built data to evaluate construction accuracy and check predictions against reality.

Phase 7: Long Term Monitoring & Adaptive Management

Phase 7: Long Term Monitoring & Adaptive Management

Answer specific scientific and management questions to guide future effort


Flow regime
Site rating curves
Model validation data


Site-scale sediment budget
Bed armoring and roughness
Flow convergence routing
Topographic change detection
Topographic change processes

Local Chemistry

Temperature distribution
Oxygen distribution
Substrate permeability
Substrate organic content

Fish Populations

Adult immigration video/Vaki
Juvenile emigration rotary screwtrap
Carcass survey
Spawner survey

Habitat Utilization

Redd mapping
Coded-wire tagging juveniles
Radio-tracking fish
Snorkel surveying

Community Interactions

Invertebrate assemblage, food web
Riparian vegetation, cover, shading
Predator-prey studies
Incubation success
Mortality causes

Conceptualization Mode

Data Collection Mode

Scientific Exploration Mode

Modeling Mode